Saki Bailey

Saki Bailey is an activist, legal scholar and writer on the Commons. She has published several articles and books. For a full bio and publication list click here.

Community Land Trust

How a Cooperative Approach to Property Management can Build Collective Power

The Community Land Trust (CLT) is an established and successful model for the creation of democratically governed permanently affordable housing, and most urgently in the face of the crisis, a tool to prevent the displacement of historic communities. T

March 14, 2019


How the East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative is Pioneering a Model for Equitable Housing

The East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative is an impressive burgeoning commons legal institution that’s aimed at the decommodification of housing.

August 13, 2018

picture of houses

Commons-Based Legal Institutions for Affordable Housing

These three commons legal institutions exemplifies, in different ways, a central feature of the commons as described in the previous piece: namely, decommodifying access to a common good by taking homes permanently off of the speculative market

July 17, 2018