Richard Bartlett

Richard D. Bartlett is one of the cofounders of Loomio, a New Zealand based open source software tool for collective decision-making. He’s also a Catalyst at Enspiral: a decentralised network of 250 freelancers who have been working without bosses since 2010. His background is in creative activism and DIY open source hardware. He’s passionate about co-ownership, self-management, collaborative governance, and other ways of sneaking anarchism into respectable places. He writes at

Can Folks in the US Find the Peace to Make Sense of the Present and Dream of a Future worth Fighting For?

What strikes me now in writing this, is just how extraordinarily privileged I am to have the peace and space for contemplation and dialogue. My clarity is the product of thousands of miles of travel, hundreds of conversations, days of writing. The major question I’m left with is how on earth can folks in the US find the peace to make sense of the present and dream of a future worth fighting for?

August 16, 2017