Michael Meacher

Urgent action is needed to avert the looming oil wars

While the world’s attention is focused on the aftermath of the Israel-Hizbollah war, more far-reaching and dangerous threats to global security are growing dramatically. In July, Samuel Bodman, US energy secretary, said that for the foreseeable future “we’re going to see oil demand exceeding supply”.

September 4, 2006

Casualties of the oil stampede

With the recently opened pipeline from the Caspian to the Mediterranean, Big Oil in the guise of BP is showing its determination to get its hands on what seems to be the largest remaining deposits after the Middle East. But human rights abuses and a cavalier attitude to safety have come hand-in-hand with the new pipeline, writes Michael Meacher, former UK Environment Secretary.

June 15, 2005


The Pakistan Connection

There is Evidence of Foreign Intelligence backing for the 9/11 Hijackers. Why is the US Government so keen to Cover it Up?

July 21, 2004

Time to cut down

We need to face up to the crisis in energy consumption. Michael Meacher finds some solutions in The End of Oil by Paul Roberts

July 2, 2004

Plan now for a world without oil

It is hard to envisage the effects of a radically reduced oil supply on a modern economy or society, writes Michael Meacher, UK environment minister from 1997 to June 2003.

January 5, 2004

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