The Attention Economy and Nature Depletion, or… the Story of Einstein Watching Cat Videos (Episode 41 of Crazy Town)

If all goes well, by the end of this episode, you’ll feel inspired to shut down your electronic devices, stow your earbuds, and go outside to scan the skies, dig in the dirt, watch the wildlife, or find some other healthy way to pay attention to the natural world.

In its Insatiable Pursuit of Power, Silicon Valley is Fuelling the Climate Crisis

Human beings are at their worst when they are consumers, locked into the miserable pursuit of satisfaction through the isolation of individual consumption – particularly when that shopping and consuming is done online (and when, as with Instagram, we learn to turn ourselves into commodities). T

Beyond Computational Thinking – a ‘Cloud of Unknowing’ for the 21st century

James Bridle’s New Dark Age is a deeply researched plea for us to move beyond computational thinking. He says learning to code doesn’t help us understand the internet age, any more than learning plumbing skills will give us an understanding of the ways an essential municipal utility is determined by hydrology, infrastructure, and sociopolitical policies.