Decentralised energy: How a Bristol community protects itself against soaring costs

Decentralised methods of producing and distributing energy can wrest control from the hands of monopolistic oil and gas firms, who have made record profits during the cost of living crisis, placing power into the hands of local communities.

The Quake after the Storm: Slouching toward Sustainability in Puerto Rico

Puerto Ricans were plunged in the dark once more in January, this time due to an earthquake that severely damaged a major power plant near the southern coast.  Recurring tremors led to thousands sleeping in the open for weeks. The blackout, while temporary, was ominously reminiscent of the long blackout following Hurricane María two years ago, which left some residents without power for nearly a year.

Catalonia, Spain: Building a Powerful Regional Network for Energy Sovereignty

Xarxa per la sobirania energètica (Xse) Catalonia brings like-minded groups together to fight for change in the energy sector locally, and collaborates with similar initiatives elsewhere in Spain, Europe and Latin America.

Five pathways to post-capitalist ‘renaissance’ by a former oil man

In my first post on Leggett’s new book, I focused on his analysis of our "risk blindness." But despite his trenchant and uncompromising stance on the potentially catastrophic consequences of business as usual, Leggett is no doomer.