Peri-urban agriculture: Feeding us where the urban and rural meet

There are exciting opportunities for using land on the edge of cities – the peri-urban (areas adjacent to urban settlements) fringe – to provide more agroecologically produced food and to connect urban and rural economies through food growing.

Planting Agroecology in the Sacred Desert of Wirikuta

All had come to Las Margaritas to attend a free intensive agroecology workshop led by Gerardo Ruiz Smith, a Mexican regenerative agriculture expert, and coordinated by the Wixarika Research Center as the first stone of a long-term project that seeks to restore and regenerate the desert in what many have come to call the “botanical garden” of Wirikuta.

Reconfiguring Food Systems Governance: The UNFSS and the Battle over Authority and Legitimacy

By replacing multilateralism with multi-stakeholderism, the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) is advancing a vision of food systems governance that sets the foundation for stronger corporate influence both of the UN and food systems at large.

Food Sovereignty, Climate Action and Local Resilience

Beyond our local context, the Food Sovereignty movement provides a global political framework for change based on social justice, solidarity, empowering women and re- organising international trade and economic relations.

India’s Natural Farming Revolution Shows Bold Food Systems Change Is Happening Now

Community Managed Natural Farming (CMNF) eschews the use of synthetic chemical fertilisers, pesticides, and herbicides, catalyzing a radical paradigm shift from conventional chemical based farming to agroecological-based natural farming methods across the state.