Act: Inspiration

Life on 1/10th the Fossil Fuels Proves to Be Awesome

December 22, 2017

That’s according to Peter Kalmus, an atmospheric scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in California. Alarmed by drastic changes in the Earth’s climate systems, Kalmus, embarked on a journey to change his life and the world in the process. He cut his carbon footprint by 90 percent. How did he do it, what insights can he share as we attempt to live less consumptive lives and can he(or we) really be happy with a simpler lifestyle? Doesn’t it involve tremendous sacrifices? He offers a great roadmap to ‘being the change’.


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Larry Rifkin

Larry Rifkin has mastered the language of television and radio over his career in both. Now, he turns his attention to podcasts, which he believes can incorporate some of the best of both media to create a new form of communication with an audience.

Tags: carbon footprint, powering down