Over the Climate Cliff

January 28, 2014

NOTE: Images in this archived article have been removed.

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Do you want to know what the future looks like? Try Australia, where bats falls dead out of the sky, and tennis players drop like flies in the heat. Coming right up: a report from the hot front with Cam Walker, Friends of Earth Australia.

Then we’re back to sky science. Atmospheric rivers move below the Jet Stream, carrying more water than the Amazon, and dumping it suddenly causing floods below. Expert David Lavers explains.

Then it’s journalist and author Alan Weisman. His previous book looked at the world without us. Now it’s Countdown, Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth. Are we headed for biological burnout?

Wiradjuru, Murray-Darling Basin, Australia image via oxfam/flickr. Creative Commons 2.0 license.

Alex Smith

Host of syndicated weekly Radio Ecoshock Show - the cutting edge with top scientists, authors and activists. Eighth year on the air as of 2014. Previously a researcher for global environment group, print journalist, homesteader, world-traveler, and private investigator.

Tags: Australia, climate change, flooding, Overshoot, Population