Without growth

November 27, 2012

NOTE: Images in this archived article have been removed.

with Seth Moser Katz

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The global economy is searching for growth and choosing austerity when it can’t be found. Is it possible to manage an economy, obtain full employment, and provide social equity without economic growth? Can we develop a dialogue about our economy that recognizes the human enterprise as a subset of biophysical processes?

In Extraenvironmentalist #53 we speak with Peter Victor about his book Managing Without Growth: Slower by Design, Not Disaster which describes why our obsession with GDP isn’t necessary. Peter describes the field of Ecological Economics and how it differs from other disciplines of economic thought. We ask if there are some first steps we could take to start building a society that doesn’t need GDP expansion. Then, we speak with Dave Gardner [85m] about how he’s built a dialogue on the diminishing returns of economic growth with his film Growthbusters. Dave tells us about his run for city council in Colorado Springs, CO.

Justin Ritchie

Justin is in Vancouver, BC where he reads books, researches energy, carbon and financial systems at the University of British Columbia Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability while occasionally walking in the forest.