Local Future 2010 Conference on Sustainability first day video is now online

April 11, 2011

Local Future, a 501(c)3 educational nonprofit, released the video footage from the first full day of the 2010 Conference on Sustainability: Energy, Economy, and Environment.

Presentations focus on energy, economics, and environment, with specific focus on peak oil, climate change, permaculture, sustainability, resilience, transition, monetary reform, collapse, and risk analysis.

Keynote talks include:

* Dr. Joseph Tainter, author of the book “The Collapse of Complex Societies: New Studies in Archaeology”, professor in the department of Environment and Society at Utah State University, and author of an upcoming book on the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

* Nicole Foss, senior editor for The Automatic Earth (where she writes as Stoneleigh) and former editor of The Oil Drum – Canada.

* David Korowicz of Ireland, a physicist and human systems ecologist, the director of The Risk/Resilience Network in Ireland, a board member of FEASTA, and contributor to the new book “Fleeing Vesuvius: Overcoming the Risks of Economic & Environmental Collapse”.

Presenters also include Stephanie Mills, Kurt Cobb, Aaron Wissner, John Sarver, Nathan Ayers and David Gard.

The video is viewable as a chronological YouTube playlist of 28 segments. Included are all of the question and answer and panel discussions.

All are invited to utilize the high definition 1080p video for all educational uses.

Local Future is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization dedicated to educating people about the transition from the current unsustainable global culture to new sustainable local cultures.

The videos may be viewed at: http://youtube.com/newculture

For more information on Local Future, visit: http://localfuture.org

For more information on Conference on Sustainability, visit: http://sustainabilityconference.org

Tags: Coal, Education, Electricity, Fossil Fuels, Oil, Renewable Energy