Future Energy Policy conference – Germany, 10-12th October 2005

August 26, 2005

Future Energy Policy (Koblenz II)
Looking at Reality Beyond Peak Oil

Dear Reader,

My name is Alexander Wostmann, founder and director of Alexander’s Gas & Oil Connections (www.gasandoil.com). We want to let you know that we are organising a 3 day conference, workshop and think-tank, the Future Energy Policy (www.gasandoil.com/fep) about the energy-questions of the future.

You will have noticed that world-wide the oil- and energy prices are rising continuously. If you are an avid news-reader you will be aware that the world may have a problem in securing enough energy the coming decades. The last years the oil companies have found much less new oil than what they sold and this trend seems to continue. Nevertheless demand keeps rising all over the world. There is an increase of attention for heavy oil, tar-sands and even shale-oil, however the net-energy of these sources is limited and their side effects in water-usage, environmental destruction and especially emissions are extreme. Nuclear is only a limited option because of security and other concerns. Renewables have a great future, but their development is still in their infancy and in no way they will replace the ‘conventional’ energies.

It seems humanity has a problem.

There is much talk about it already, but mostly only covering a small part of the whole issue, which cannot be taken apart, because everything hangs together.

Alexander’s Gas & Oil Connections (www.gasandoil.com) has therefore taken the initiative to organise on October 10, 11 and 12 a three-day gathering, workshop and think-tank to address the energy-questions of the future, the Future Energy Policy (www.gasandoil.com/fep). Similar to the very successful Global Peak Oil Gathering (www.gasandoil.com/peakoil) last year we will spend Day 1 and 2 on creating an overview, hearing the latest facts and insights in the global energy situation, looking at the reserves, the latest insights in depletion and peak oil (brought by Colin Campbell) and have a look at the role of alternatives (tarsands, coal, shale, uranium), renewables (wind, solar, bio-fuels) and the climatic changes. On day 2 we also will hear about the energy-policies and energy-outlooks of several of the big nations.

On day 3 we will then turn our minds towards the future and find out how everything hangs together and what the best way forward may be and what fundamentals will be essential for the solutions for the future energy crunch. We will hold workshops, combining the extensive expertise of speakers and participants with the way and method of the ‘5 Intelligences’, which proved so effective last year. In the afternoon there will be a special Think-tank, in which the individual and collective intelligence will speak out on fundamental solutions for this fundamental and highly complex issue of providing energy for the future in a sustainable way for man and planet.

You will go home with a highly increased perception and intelligence about the local and global energy situation and with new ways of thinking about the challenges of the future.

We want to invite you to take part in this special event that will constitute an important step towards fundamental solutions for a very fundamental problem, energy security in the future and the way towards it.

More information and registration: www.gasandoil.com/fep

Kind regards,

Alexander Wostmann

Alexander’s Gas & Oil Connections
News, Information, Publication
Conferences, Consultancies, Workshops
++49 2662 948291
Have a look at our coming conference:
The Future Energy Policy (www.gasandoil.com/fep)
October 10, 11 and 12 in Koblenz, Germany

Please pass on this letter to your colleagues or friends who are involved in this issue.

For whom will this be of interest?

a.. Managers, executives, planners and thinkers for national and multinational energy companies
a.. Government energy officials and advisors
a.. Representatives of energy-related banks, major lenders, economic and financial institutions,
a.. The Intelligence community
a.. Global thinkers, global planners, future leaders
a.. Resource-related industries
a.. Insurance underwriters, funds-managers
a.. Government advisory bodies
a.. Government and industry leaders from developing countries, emerging economies and mature and developed economies, whether oil consuming or oil producing or both.

Tags: Energy Policy, Fossil Fuels, Oil