Honeycomb Kids

April 19, 2013

Including more than 300 practical ideas and activities, Honeycomb Kids is a book with two priceless benefits: not only does it help you prepare your children for an uncertain tomorrow, it also helps you shift to a better family life for today.

Honeycomb Kids is a book about making the most of the day-to-day with your family while preparing your children for likely impacts on their world including global population growth, peak oil, competition for resources, increasing costs of living (food, electricity), health issues and plenty more. It’s about raising contributors not just consumers. The book also covers ‘nature deficit disorder’ and how to mitigate every day threats to children while making them more resilient and capable.

Authored by mother Anna Campbell, the book explores the various big picture scenarios our children may face as adults, and offers more than 300 proactive suggestions as to how you can help your children meet, rise above and contribute positively to the challenges coming their way.

Tags: children, Parenting, resilience families

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