Creating a positive future for Bristol after Peak Oil

March 15, 2013

In 2008 oil prices hit record levels of $147/barrel. This event, alongside growing evidence that the global energy picture is changing has led the Bristol Green Capital Momentum Group and Bristol City Council to consider the issue of peak oil and its probable effects on the future prosperity of Bristol. Input and comment have been sought from organisations and authorities in the city. (For a list of other cities and organisations considering peak oil see Appendix 4). This report sets out to look at the evidence for peak oil, its potential impact on Bristol, and what actions could be taken now to address it.

Why Should Bristol Act Now?

An increasing number of experts and commentators warn that the era of cheap oil is over and that an oil crunch is likely within the next decade. An oil crunch would fundamentally threaten the way our city operates with challenges to transport, healthcare, food distribution, social cohesion, public services and other sectors. With a reputation as a leader in sustainability, Bristol has the opportunity to show the way in responding to this challenge.

Tags: peak oil, policy, urban resilience

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