Thomas Christiansen

Gross National Income per liter of oil consumed

As peak oil sets in while the world is growing thirstier for oil, what benchmark should be used to assess if you are weaning yourself from oil?

November 15, 2009


Off-grid systems 2.0 – water

How viable is it to be ‘off-grid’ with water? There are low-tech solutions which are a throwback to the way many of our great-grandparents must have lived. But consider instead Singapore’s “Four Taps” water strategy to decrease reliance on water imports.

February 26, 2009

Reducing power used for cooling

Cooling applications use about 30% of power usage in US households and are a significant cause of peak demand. Replacing these systems with solar thermal powered A/C systems could save energy for other uses.

September 13, 2008

Mini case study: peak demand in Germany

According to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2008, German Primary Energy consumption dropped -5.6% in 2007. What does the German example mean for everyone else?

June 28, 2008

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