Sarah Elton

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Sarah Elton


Time to take ownership of the Anthropocene

Maybe you, too, know that feeling of despair that comes when learning of some catastrophic impact of climate change…

April 30, 2014


Fish fresh off the hook from community-supported fishers

In many parts of the world, it is hard to find fresh fish to buy, even if you live next to the ocean. In Halifax, the largest city in Nova Scotia, a Canadian province known for its fishery, it takes at least six days for local fillets to make it from the fishing boats to the supermarket. With almost a week from sea to fork, the fish can hardly be called fresh. Now that’s changing. A group of five fishers have founded Off The Hook in a rebuke to the way fish have been bought and sold in Atlantic Canada. They call it a community supported fishery — a nod to the local food movement’s community-supported agriculture (CSA) direct marketing programs whereby farmers sell directly to customers.

July 27, 2011

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