Mick Winter


Collapse +11 years in the Napa Valley

As I sip my morning espresso, I have a brief moment of longing for an earlier time when I could make my stovetop coffee quickly on a gas burner. It takes a lot longer using this electric one. Little did we know that gas was right behind oil in peaking. Fortunately we finally have plenty of solar-produced electricity and, once again, access to coffee. So it’s a minor inconvenience, but just another reminder of things we used to take for granted.

December 21, 2008


“Reinventing Collapse” by Dmitry Orlov (book review)

Well, first of all, it’s funny. Really. I don’t mean it’s filled with jokes, but Dmitry Orlov has a very humorous and biting style. This humorous approach serves two important purposes: 1) It makes the book enjoyable to read. 2) It helps the reader develop a certain healthy detachment from the subject matter.

October 7, 2008

Book review: ‘Post Carbon Cities’

At first I felt this book wasn’t enough for what is needed. Then reality straightened me out.

June 26, 2008


Book review – World Made by Hand

Kunstler’s novel brings to life a community and world that Kunstler himself has created – informed by his many years of study of our society, its built environment, and the Peak Oil threat. He has tempered his usual neo-Gonzo writing style and created interesting characters with depth and complexity.

April 26, 2008


After the Peak – movie review

After the Peak is a mock-TV news program, presented as if live from a local television station in North Carolina. The time is “one year from today”. Worldwide oil production has peaked and is declining.

April 23, 2008

Movie review: What a Way to Go

I have seen a number of films on Peak Oil, climate change and the other ills of our society and planet, but none has moved me so much as this one.

October 17, 2007

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