David Roberts


Children, the childless, and diverse human ecosystems

Parents love their childless friends, often their only source of grown-up activities like, say, uninterrupted conversation. Or drinking and shooting pool (mmm…). Plus they’re good babysitters! Unchilded people love having relationships with kids. Children love hanging out with adults who are independent and adventurous; they need uncles and aunties. Human communities are ecosystems, and in all ecosystems diversity is the key to health and resilience.

April 5, 2010

How to provide relief to rural Americans, create jobs, and lower emissions … all at once!

Most homeowners in the U.S. would come out ahead if they invested in energy efficiency improvements — new insulation, sealed windows, more efficient boilers, and the like. So why don’t they do it? Simple: the upfront costs are steep and the paybacks can take a long time. Many homeowners don’t have access to the capital to cover the costs, or they worry that they will move before the the costs are repaid, thus leaving subsequent owners to reap gains they didn’t pay for.

March 11, 2010

Using behavioral science to make smarter energy policy

On Friday, journalist John Fleck made a great point, comparing coverage of two new pieces in Science. One is about the latest potential climate disaster: methane venting from the seafloor in the Arctic. The second is about a promising new climate solution: using behavioral science to influence energy use. Not surprisingly, the disaster got tons of coverage. The solution got none. This is entirely typical. As Fleck says, “The problem space gets more attention than the solution space.”

March 9, 2010

Why Bill Gates is wrong

Bill Gates is right that we need more funding, support, and attention applied to energy technology. But if we truly seek to fashion a sustainable future, we need just as much applied to laws, regulations, infrastructure, economics, behaviors, and values. We need to innovate a new way of being in the world, not just new tools.

February 19, 2010


Senate Democrats unveil a new energy bill based on the same false premises as the Republican bill.

May 7, 2008

Bush’s ‘new climate strategy’

Today’s headlines are full of the news that President Bush is “unveiling a new climate strategy.” If your immediate reaction is cynicism, well … looks like you learned something over the last seven years. Let’s look a little closer.

May 31, 2007

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