Albert Cañigueral

Albert Cañigueral is OuiShare Connector for Spain and Latin America. He founded ConsumoColaborativo blog on 2011 and has been considered a reference for collaborative economy in Spanish language since then. Albert is the author of “Vivir mejor con menos” [Live with less] (Conecta 2014) [free .pdf download]

Building the Networked City From the Ground Up With Citizens

How can technology lead to more participation in democratic processes? Who should own and control city data? Can cities embrace a model that socializes data and encourages new forms of cooperativism and democratic innovation?

June 30, 2017

“Communities with Cooperatives, not Communities of Cooperatives”

The idea of Las Indias is that it is a community with cooperative businesses, not a community of cooperatives.

November 12, 2014

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