Tom Butler

Conservationist Tom Butler edited the new book Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot (

He is editorial projects director of the Foundation for Deep Ecology and president of Northeast Wilderness Trust. 

Burning down the house

Today is World Population Day (July 11). It’s time to talk about the size of the human family and the way we organize our economic activity (and not just today, on World Population Day), in language that is both honest and non-accusatory. It’s time to move beyond old arguments about whether population size or overconsumption is most culpable (both matter).

July 11, 2015

Lord Man Parable

 Introducing Overdevelopment, Overpopulation Overshoot.

March 12, 2015

Lives Not Our Own

Keeping the Wild was conceived to confront the notion of human hegemony and also to join the growing conversation within the conservation movement about the so-called Anthropocene.

January 12, 2015

John Muir’s Last Stand

One hundred years on from John Muir’s death his legacy is under attack.

December 24, 2014

What if we stopped fighting for preservation?

Certainly conservationists of all persuasions should be more vocal about challenging the growth machine that is chewing up wild nature. But for Murray to turn his wrath on protected areas, and suggest that preserving places for wildlife and wild processes to thrive unmolested is futile or even counterproductive as a conservation strategy, is a dangerously misguided idea. I hope it will be rejected by everyone who cares about the health of the biosphere.

January 28, 2011

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