Paul B. Hartzog

Paul B. Hartzog, one of the coiners of the word “panarchy,” is an independent scholar and hacker, and has taught at the University of Michigan’s School of Information. Recipient of an NSF IGERT to study complex systems, he has a Masters in Globalization and Environmental Politics from the University of Utah, and a Masters in Political Theory from the University of Michigan. His work on panarchy hybridizes political philosophy/economy, network culture, complex systems, and critical social theory.

The Future of Economics: From Complexity to Commons

Complexity science shows us not only what to do, but also how to do it:  build shared infrastructure, improve information flow, enable rapid innovation, encourage participation, support diversity and citizen empowerment.

September 1, 2017

The Future of Money

Any currency that can maintain its value among its users can function. Historically, many alternative, or local, currencies have worked and many still do.

February 1, 2005

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