Norman J. Church

The elephant in the room

The UK has until recently been one of the most resilient economies in the world. Over the last 100 years, it has survived two world wars, staged spectacular economic recoveries, been blessed with energy resources, and evolved from manufacturer to the world into a service economy. But the position in which it now finds itself looks bleaker.

March 8, 2008


Enlightened survivalism

A true survivalist hopes deep in their heart that the good life never ends for anybody. They just know that trouble sometimes does happen, and want to be as well situated as they can be if bad things do come to be.

November 6, 2006

Why Our Food is So Dependent on Oil

Excellent review of the current cheap-oil-energy and material intensity of UK food production and makes a good case for relocalisation as integral to improving the situation.

April 1, 2005

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