Nigel Wilson

Shell deal fires up Gorgon gas hopes

The $11 billion Gorgon gas project, off the West Australia coast, moved a step closer yesterday with project partner Shell saying it had finalised the sale of 2.5 million tonnes of Gorgon LNG (liquefied natural gas) a year to the US west coast.

April 11, 2005

Australia-China LNG deal sealed

Original title: “China gas deal sealed”. -LJ

December 13, 2004

Australia – Plan to protect oil supply

THE federal Government is reviewing its powers to protect people from a major disruption to oil imports, as crude prices soar towards $US50 a barrel.

August 20, 2004

Australia: Energy future is still ‘on precipice’

“…and alongside those issues was the alarming decline in Australia’s self-sufficiency in crude oil, which forecasters say means we will have to import most of our crude oil and petroleum products from overseas by 2008.”

June 15, 2004

Australia: Oil’s not well: crisis looms

The opening session of the 10th South East Asia Australia Offshore Conference will hear that Australia’s demand for oil is greater than supply and the gap is growing.

June 6, 2004

Educating Arnie about LNG safety

AUSTRALIA has offered to send technical experts to the US to convince the California administration of Arnold Schwarzwenegger that liquefied natural gas plants can be environmentally safe and secure.

January 16, 2004

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