David Cromwell

Forever Groundhog Day for climate? A tale of ice, smokescreens and rebellion

Just a few days ago, the National Snow and Ice Data Center, based at the University of Colorado in Boulder, announced that ‘Greenland’s surface melting in 2012 was intense, far in excess of any earlier year in the satellite record since 1979.’ Our future is melting before our very eyes… When significant parts of the corporate media are openly embracing and indeed pushing climate ‘scepticism’, is there any meaningful justification for this in the climate science? No. Geochemist James Lawrence Powell recently conducted an exhaustive study of the peer-reviewed literature on climate science. Going back over 20 years, his search yielded 13,950 scientific papers. Of these, only 24 ‘clearly rejected global warming or endorsed a cause other than carbon dioxide emissions for the observed warming of 0.8 degrees since the beginning of the industrial era.’

February 15, 2013

Media alert: notes from a dying planet

The appalling truth is that none of the major political parties are prepared to propose the systemic changes that are necessary to address impending climate catastrophe. And the media is failing in its vaunted, but illusory, role of holding power to account – even as humanity’s fate lies in the balance

May 11, 2006

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